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Mindful Tips For Easing Into Autumn

The transition from Summer into Autumn connects us to the element of Earth, and it’s no accident that this happens during Virgo season. Virgo is not only a time of harvest, but it also governs our personal daily habits of tending to our bodies and our homes. The ‘Earth’ of our lives, so to speak.

Virgo is a time that helps us to analyses and discern what can stay, what needs to go, and what, or more importantly HOW we can improve things in our lives.

This Virgo energy support us perfectly as we begin to wind down and turn inward after the more Lay Zay Fair energy of summertime, Autumn invites us to reassess how we are caring for ourselves and to and be more mindful.

You may find yourself naturally inspired to improve your diet, begin a new health habit, or rededicate yourself to those habits or rituals you know really support you to feel your best.

As well as paying renewed attention to your food and self care practices, this is also an excellent time to clear out or reorganise any stagnant corners or cupboards in your home to freshen up the energy. Bring in new plants or repot existing ones. Pay attention to details that help to make your space more beautiful and pleasurable to be in. In true Mary Kondo style, pass on any objects that do not spark joy, a clear and organised space truly does wonders for our mental wellbeing and is always a great way to head into any new season or chapter. Having our homes feel clean, beautiful and inviting helps us to embrace this change of season with more ease and lightness.

Autumn also gifts us an abundance of ripe fruits to forage, just begging to be baked into warming, comforting crumbles. Look out for apples, pears, blackberries, plums. Another favourite wild source superfood available at this time are elderberry’s which can be made into an immune boosting syrup for the winter. This is the season to venture out to the hedgerows and harvest all the goodness freely available. I personally find find foraging a beautifully medatative and grounding process.

Below are some suggestions and favourites of the Wild Source team to help you embrace the shift from Summer to Autumn and harness this Virgo energy to support mindfulness and wellbeing.


Spend time in nature - so simple yet so powerful;

  • Forage for berries apples and plums and make a delicious crumble
  • Eat grounding seasonal vegetables such as squashes and root vegetables
  • Stand or walk barefoot outside whenever you can
  • Simply observe the changing of the seasons, the trees, the colours

Refresh the energy in your home by;

  • Reorganising your cupboards
  • Clearing out any stagnant areas
  • Shifting your furniture around
  • Bring in new pot plants
  • Give away, throw away or sell anything and everything you no longer use or love
  • Diffuse grounding essential oils such as sandalwood or frankincense

Connect mindfully to your body;

  • Begin a new exercise class or some form of movement
  • Take a close look at what your feeding you’re body, begin that healthy habit you have been promising yourself
  • Clean up your skincare by and switching any chemical laden products for an organic version, your whole body will thank you
  • Get a massage or some other kind of body work
  • Dry skin brushing
  • Use your face mask time to bring in 15 minutes of mindfulness meditation

I’m wishing you all a graceful and productive transition Wild Source family.

Look out on socials this week for Kate demonstrating how you can enrich the already potent elderberry clay mask with fresh blackberries, providing highly available skin loving nutrients vitamin C, vitamin A and powerful anti-aging antioxidants anthocyanins.

Happy Autumn

