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War on Wetwipes

Have you been watching the BBC’s War on Plastic? We highly recommend it. Hugh Fearnly-Whitingstall and Anita Rani are doing the much needed job of shocking the country into action and delivering the message of just how critical it is that the world wakes up, that we all as consumers wake up and get serious about our plastic consumption, especially of single use plastics.

In episode 2 Anita takes the residents to Bristol sewage works where they watch a gruesome 16 tons of wet wipes from Bristol alone, collected in just 3 and a half days, being dumped from the back of a lorry - a shocking site to behold.

Did you know that 90% of face wipes have plastic in them?

And that 90% of all sewage blockages are made up of wet wipes which people have either flushed down the toilet or disposed of irresponsibly and so have ended up in our waterways?

Environmental charity Friends of the Earth Sums up simply - 'plastic doesn’t go away. It just sheds fibres and slowly breaks down into smaller particles, polluting land, rivers and oceans, and entering wildlife and human food chains.' 

With knowledge we would argue that there is no such thing as responsibly disposing of single use wet wipes or face wipes. Which is why we stock reusable, washable muslin face cloths made from sustainable bamboo, to be used with our hot oil cleanser, or however you wish.

We feel very passionately about our responsibility as stewards of the Earth, we’re proud of the vigilance with which we source ingredients and continually work towards plastic free packaging. We also hope to support and encourage you, our wonderful, mindful customers in whatever way we can to take steps to reduce your waste too.

Mindful of Beauty is more than just a cute tag line, it’s an ethos and way of living and walking on this earth with care, reverence, and responsibility for both our personal health and well-being, and equally that of the planet and the other beings we share it with.

Mindful of Beauty means pausing, and making choices that may not always be the most fast paced and convenient, but that are in alignment with our core values and with what truly matters most.

We hope you too feel a sense of pride in being part of this change with us. You can purchase your own washable and sustainably made bamboo face cloth here 
